Genesis 2 4b-9, 15 – end Psalm 65 Revelation Ch 4 Luke 8 22 – 25
In your Prayers please pray for...
All those who will be travelling this half term, may their journeys be safe, and the trip relaxing.
Our congregations, neighbours and local communities, may His word be heard and shared amongst everyone and that this may spark interest to find out more about the good news.
Those who are mourning or remembering loved ones who have gone before us, let his love and strength carry us through this time
For Sunday 16th February
Almighty God, who alone can bring order to the unruly wills and passions of sinful humanity: give your people grace so to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that, among the many changes of this world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Our Churches are opening for Private Prayer as follows
Penton open during daylight hours
Hatherden 8 am – 4 pm daily
Hurstbourne Tarrant 9.30 am – dusk
Vernham Dean 10 am – 4 pm – Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday
Weyhill – 8 am – 4 pm Daily
Smannell – 9 am – 4 pm Daily
Words of Encouragement
By James Cunniffe
I can recall when my daughter was born Stevie Wonder released a song called “Isn’t She Lovely” This struck a chord with us particularly the opening verse:
Isn’t she lovely. Isn’t she wonderful Isn’t she precious Less than one minute old.
As parents we were able to see that wonderful being God had created.
Recently we have been privileged to be able to travel to the Cook Islands, where we saw that the Christian Women had a theme for the coming year of “I made You wonderful” based on Psalm 128. Their program invited all into the knowledge that each one of us was made with care and love by God. When we can receive this truth, everything in our life changes so we can radiate and shine from within. Learning how to treat every other person as made wonderful by God.
We have been humbled by the sights we saw on our journeys, marvelling at what has been created on this earth and meeting many people whom we have tried to treat with respect, quoting from the words of Stevie again:
I can’t believe what God has done. Through us he’s given life to one. But isn’t she lovely, made from love.
We should all be thankful that God has created with love both us and this wonderful planet on which we live remaining joyful for all we have.
Matthew’s gospel gives us a summary of Jesus’ ministry which is ‘preaching the Good News of the Kingdom and healing every sickness and disease among the people.’ The church, throughout its history, has been entrusted with a mandate for bringing this healing to people and communities. Here in Pastrow we have for some time been training a group of people to exercise this Healing Ministry.
The World Day of Prayer Service will be held on the Friday 7th March at St Thomas’ Church. Enham Lane. Charlton at 2.30pm. This service has been prepared by the women of the Cook Islands with the theme of ‘I have made you Wonderful’. Refreshments will be served following the service. All are welcome.
Tangley Prayer Walk
In the grounds of Tangley Churchyard, we have set up a small prayer walk for people to follow, to deepen their relationship with God and to be affirm in His love. Try it out! Thanks to Dave and Lynne Harvey for developing this new resource to help us all to engage with prayer.
Upcoming Events for the Diary
(Full details will follow in the coming weeks, all subject to change)
Weekly – Tuesday – 9.30 – 11.30 am Pop in & Play – Hurstbourne Tarrant Community Centre (term time only) Wednesday – 10 am Holy Communion – Tangley
February Dates Saturday 22nd February – Ladies Brunch – Andrew Baines on Prison Chaplaincy Sunday 23rd Play and Praise – Charlton Tuesday 25th Prayer Meeting Vernham Friday 28th Cozy Café – Charlton
Also, various Home Groups meet weekly, if you would like more details, please contact Jude
The Grapevine reaches over 400 people weekly, to advertise your event or special service pass the details to Jude on also email to join our mailing list for all the latest news.
Pastrow Family Prayers – A monthly sheet with prayers & thoughts for the coming month, if you would like to sign up, please email
Would you like to commit to supporting very needy orphans in South West Uganda (South Ruwenzori – next to the border with Congo (DRC))? There is a huge number of orphaned and needy children in this area. We are supporting 30 young people by paying their school fees and other related costs. St Thomas’s Charlton are contributing £50 a month and a number of individuals also give regularly. The founder and head of this ministry is Rev William Musisi Muhindo, a good friend of Ian Smale’s and an inspiring Christian and church leader in the South Ruwenzori diocese. If you would like to know more please contact Ian on
The Parish Giving Scheme A great way to regularly support you home parish church, join at Home – Parish Giving Scheme paper applications can be obtained from Jude please call 07999 352585
Facebook Like our public page and we will invite you to the closed group where all the latest information is posted for the Pastrow Family. Pastrow Family | Facebook everything will be on the Grapevine as well.
In Memory
Charis Scott (18th) Ann Cox (19th) Pamela Evans (21st)