Anyone who lives in one of our parishes, whether or not a worshipping member, has a right to a funeral service in their parish church and to be buried in the churchyard (provided there is room).
We would be privileged to host your loved one’s funeral.
The service we offer is tailored to the individual, celebrating their life and everything they meant to those who loved them. We welcome music, poems and tributes that are special to you. We have the necessary technology to play music through a variety of media, while at the same time encouraging family members to speak if they feel able. Prayers will be said and there is an organist available if you would like one.
We have outstanding aftercare including an annual memorial service and a Pastoral support group.
Support before, during and after the funeral ceremony
Once you have decided on the church you’d like to hold the ceremony in, our team here at the Pastrow Family will be able to help you with any questions you have surrounding the event, supporting you before, during and after the funeral ceremony as best we can.
Celebrating life
A funeral ceremony is more than simply a way to say goodbye to a loved one who has died; it’s a chance to celebrate their life and memory, and honour their final wishes.
That’s why, at every opportunity we work with you to ensure your loved one’s funeral is as unique as they were – honouring their spirit, their wishes, and their faith.
Please contact us to talk about arranging a funeral ceremony.