Children’s event dates
Pop in and Play 9.30 am Weekly – Hurstbourne Tarrant Community Centre (term time only)
PFG Kids 10 am the 1st Sunday of the Month – Christ Church Hatherden
Messy Church 3.30 pm on the second Sunday of the month – St Thomas Charlton
Play and Priase 3.30 pm on the fourth Sunday of the Month – St Thomas Charlton
Please check the Grapevine for the latest information on these great children and families sessions.

Messy Church 12th May
The children and grown ups made this great Scrabble puzzle with words all about Jesus.

Play and Praise 26th November 2023

Families Welcome to our Messy Church Prayer.
Love trust and talk to God. He is a miracle He protects and supports us. Walk with God and you will have more confidence. He is big and delivers on promises. I’m living life to the full with him, He is the best and you can lean on him. Remember to never miss an opportunity to tell everyone about God. Share your story with God. He is hope, He is truth, He is caring, He makes me happy. I am so proud I made the right decisions with God I’m holding onto hope that He will be forever in our hearts. AMEN
Messy Church 12th November – A fun time was had by all with some great work writing this wonderful prayer and creating some excellant craft and buildings in lego for our cities!

Meet the FaCT team –
Families and Children’s Team – FaCT – Pastrow Family
To contact any of the FaCT team email – families@pastrowfamily.org.uk
Join us on Facebook Pastrow Family | Facebook
Play and Praise
Created specifically for families with young children, Play and Praise is an informal creative and sensory play session with an opportunity to worship.
Meeting one Sunday a month at St. Thomas Church, Charlton from 3.30pm, Play and Praise sessions provide families with an opportunity to explore their faith together in an informal setting.

Offering a unique range of church programmes for children and young families to worship together, learn together, and have fun together.
Messy Church
An opportunity for children and their families to come and have fun together, worship and play together.
Messy Church combines game play, story-telling, and arts & crafts with worship; finishing with a group meal.

Do come & join us – future dates will be posted here & sent out to everyone on the Family & Children’s Team (FaCT) mailing list 😊

How to join us
Our church programmes for children & families are offered free to anyone who would like to join us, although donations are welcome.
If you would like more information about any of the sessions detailed above or would like to join us at any time, please contact us.
Contact us